Forbidden Zone Compound-149 viewsAbandoned Homestead at Salton Sea (Zone #3)
Initial Cache Container-123 viewsVintage radiation survey meter (Zone #1)
SSTB Truck Bombing-120 viewsBurned out vehicle (Zone #1)
Result of Air Strike?-127 viewsDestroyed recon vehicle (Zone #1)
Blocked By Sand-130 viewsAccess road to SSTB (Zone #1)
Stay On The Road!-128 viewsUnexploded ordnance warning (Zone #1)
Missile Strike?-132 viewsRoadside snapshot showing unidentified aircraft above smoke plume.
Abandoned Facility-142 viewsThe site of the mysterious ledger (Zone #2)
Ledger Holder-124 viewsPanel "B" (Zone #2)
Secret Hiding Spot-160 viewsFence post (Zone #2)
Radioactive Facility?-149 viewsRestricted Area Warning (Zone #2)
Odd Animal Track-148 viewsPrimate footprint? (Zone #1)
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