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Silverback Cipher
Silverback hunters should be familiar with the “pigpen” or masonic cipher,
which is a simple substitution cipher exchanging letters for symbols
based on a grid.
This cipher can be used to decrypt directions and secret codewords at FBZ geocaches!
149 viewsDon't miss the fantastic overlooks in this area including an inspiring view of San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway ("The Impossible Railway") trestle in Carrizo Gorge. Photo taken from Sacatone Overlook. To get there, take the Sacatone Spring Road spur (high clearance vechicles only) off McCain Valley Road 2.8 miles north of Old Highway 80.
*Disclaimer: Stories here and at FBZ caches are a combination of historical conjecture, anecdote and pure fiction. Any similarity to any event, group, or person living or dead is merely coincidental. Additionally, SGTF has utilized a variety of signs/stickers as props in the FBZ geocaching series. Labels or warnings (e.g. biohazard, radioactive, etc.) which are fictitious will display some form of the SGTF/Silverback moniker; all other warning signage encountered during this or any other FBZ adventure should be respected and observed as posted.
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Those who create an account on and enter mission codewords and POTAM tracking bug numbers receive points towards an Operative ranking. Operatives who achieve the rank of General (700 points) are eligible to receive an official silver Operation Silverback trackable ring from Oakcoins. Gold rings are available for those who reach the rank of Green Beret (or higher).