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Silverback Cipher
Silverback hunters should be familiar with the “pigpen” or masonic cipher,
which is a simple substitution cipher exchanging letters for symbols
based on a grid.
This cipher can be used to decrypt directions and secret codewords at FBZ geocaches!
Submit An Article related to this FBZ to earn an additional 20 points (if registered)!
Rumors speculate there is a Forbidden Zone (FBZ) stashed in the mouth of the "Sacred" Stone of the Lost Valley, a large granodiorite boulder resting in the spirited In-Ko-Pah mountain haunts of McCain Valley. Locals claim FBZ A.P.E. 51 may contain an ammo can with Special Reconnaissance (SR) related to SGTF's Operation Silverback in the form of Planet of the Apes Memorabilia (POTAM) and scouted intelligence reports. Read the mission brief below...
SUBJECT: FBZ A.P.E. 51 Brief [Mission #1]
TO: Silverback Operatives
The Stone of the Lost Valley resides on land which has purportedly been used for centuries by native peoples as a site for spiritual rituals and important burials dating back as far as 3500 BC.* Similar to theories surrounding Stonehenge U.K., locals believe these massive rocks may have been used as prehistoric monuments by pagan druids for secret ceremonies related to winter and summer solstices. In fact, the Rosetta Stone was carved from the same type of granodiorite igneous bedrock present in these large boulders.
Over the years there have been unsubstantiated claims by various New Age groups that vaccuum energy is present deep inside the earth at this location. It is believed this energy has the potential to be tapped by powerful supernatural forces which exist in our world to provide access points to parallel or alternate universes. Consequently, SGTF has identified The Stone of the Lost Valley as the perfect location to launch a great quest for truth and evidence related to paranormal activity, specifically answering the question “once and for all” of where extraterrestrials might land in Southern California to facilitate a simian guerrilla campaign against mankind!
At the Stone of the Lost Valley, you have been provided with “ancient” pictograph rocks painted with secret symbols which, when decoded, will direct you to a nearby shaman burial spot where you will discover the first mission codeword for Operation Silverback. Use the "pig-pen" or masonic cipher to help decode the symbols on the rock and all subsequent secret writings you find during your participation in SGTF’s black project (a.k.a. “The Activity”).
In all, there are seven (7) FBZ locations (i.e. missions) to Operation Silverback. Six FBZs contain “intelligence” report(s) and a corresponding secret codeword. Use the six (6) codewords collectively at to discover the seventh and final TOP SECRET FBZ location. Keep in mind codewords can be gathered in any order so you DO NOT need to visit FBZs sequentially! The seventh and final mission location is where the truth shall be revealed!
Operatives who have successfully submitted the TOP SECRET codeword for this mission...
(Tue 01 Dec 2020 @ 14:55:23 GMT; 1606834523 seconds since Unix Epoch (POSIX) 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC)
FBZ A.P.E. 51 contains an ammo can with Special Reconnaissance (SR) related to SGTF's Operation Silverback in the form of Planet of the Apes Memorabilia (POTAM) and scouted intelligence reports. As a clandestine special tactics unit, SGTF has been known to leave POTAM tracking bugs in their FBZs with special mission instructions related to active Project A.P.E. caches (e.g. Project A.P.E. Mission 9: Tunnel of Light).
FBZs are reserved for POTAM related to SGTF's Silverback operations. Visitors are encouraged to register their visit and leave ONLY items containing relevance to The Planet of the Apes or items that are traditional hitchhikers (e.g. geocoins, travel bugs, etc.). Only place and/or remove TRACKABLE items from this cache (read NO unrelated SWAG); Any POTAM found in this cache designated as NOT TRACKABLE is pertinent to operations for this FBZ and should REMAIN ASSIGNED TO THE CACHE. POTAM labeled PROVISIONAL FTF is considered remittance as reward for the FTF (First to Find) and can be removed freely without restriction or stipulation.
Don't miss the fantastic overlooks in this area including an inspiring view of San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway ("The Impossible Railway") trestle from the Sacatone Overlook. Click here to read more about this exhilarating track of land!
*Disclaimer: Stories here and at FBZ caches are a combination of historical conjecture, anecdote and pure fiction. Any similarity to any event, group, or person living or dead is merely coincidental. Additionally, SGTF has utilized a variety of signs/stickers as props in the FBZ geocaching series. Labels or warnings (e.g. biohazard, radioactive, etc.) which are fictitious will display some form of the SGTF/Silverback moniker; all other warning signage encountered during this or any other FBZ adventure should be respected and observed as posted.
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Those who create an account on and enter mission codewords and POTAM tracking bug numbers receive points towards an Operative ranking. Operatives who achieve the rank of General (700 points) are eligible to receive an official silver Operation Silverback trackable ring from Oakcoins. Gold rings are available for those who reach the rank of Green Beret (or higher).